Cincinnati Bridge Association

Board of Directors Meeting

January 8, 2008


President Patti English called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.


Members present

Potter Orr, Barb Levinson, John Burpee, Debbie Cummings, Pat Dutson,

Adrienne Netherwood, Mike Lipp, Pat New man, Mike Purcell, Betty Hurst


Members absent

 Everitt Kitchen, Mary Clifton, Gayle Keaney, Bob VeVerka



The minutes from the last meeting were approved.


Treasurer’s  Report

The financial report was approved.


President’s Report

Patti English thanked Nancy Luetge and Melanie Onen for a great holiday party.


Patti English thanked Debbie Cummings and John Burpee for their hard work and the improved duplimate room.


Patti English reported Larry Klein is doing great in his new role as facilities manager.


Patti English reported Tom Deddens received the Lifetime Goodwill Award from the ACBL.  


Committee Reports



John Burpee reported the UAW lease for the sectional is 99% done.


Patti English reported the following in reference to the regional

            There will be a wide screen TV and special Derby Day dinner

            Jerry Mirus is pursuing the Princeton HS Key Club for set up and caddies


Promotions - Regional

John Burpee reported the budget for promotion of the regional is $4000.

There will be Ads in the Midwest Monitor and the ACBL bulletin.

There will be a direct mail/email to surrounding units. It will be broadened from I/N members to all members.

There will be a poster displayed at other units.


Promotions – Bridge Classes

Our bridge classes were promoted in the newspaper!

There will be three ads promoting Bob’s upcoming classes.

Rob’s class will be promoted in the Lebanon newspaper


Promotions – Last Alert

The last printed Alert will explain the transition to the new electronic format. Future Alerts by email will be more flexible timing wise. Alerts will be done when we have something to promote and will be more customized to what we are promoting.



Mike Purcell reported his committee is in a transition. There will be crossover and coordination with the Promotions committee. Pat Dutson volunteered to be a member of this committee.


Zero Tolerance

Mike Lipp shed some light on Zero Tolerance vs conduct and Ethics.


Old Business



All board members should have their comments to Bob VeVerka by the end of January. Each board member should review the old constitution to make sure nothing is missing in the new constitution.


Charity Game

A chairman is needed. Annease Comer will direct the game on June 26th.


Nancy Sachs and Linda Wolber Recognition

Pat Dutson proposed and it was accepted that Nancy and Linda would receive a Life Time Achievement Award – It would be in the form of something that they will be able to take home and display such as something from Sterling Cut Glass.


New Business


Bridge Buddies

Bridging the gap between classes and playing was discussed.  A second session of lessons to give the students a more complete understanding of the game was suggested. Several board members were interested and volunteered to help, Pat Dutson, Mike Purcell, Mike Lipp, and Barb Levinson.


Contract with GSOs

Potter Orr is reviewing the possibility of a lease.


Job Descriptions

Potter Orr is working on job descriptions for the Policy and Procedure Manual.


Statistics on Attendance

Pat Dutson provided a report on attendance.



Barb Levinson needs help for the GNT on February 2nd and 3rd.


The meeting was adjourned.


Adrienne Netherwood