Cincinnati Bridge Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the July 8, 2008 meeting



President Patti English called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm


Members present:

Patti English, Barb Levinson, Bob VeVerka, Mike Purcell, Everitt Kitchen

John Burpee, Debbie Cummings, Adrienne Netherwood, Gayle Keaney, Pat Newman, Jean Sturtevant, Betty Hurst


Members absent:

Bob VeVerka, Potter Orr



A financial report was presented, discussed and approved.


The minutes of the last meeting were approved.


John Stoppiello was appointed to the board to replace Pat Dutson.


Constitution informational meetings will be October 16th  and 20th  at 10:00 and the 21st at 6:00.


Committee Reports



Mike Lipp volunteered to be the Partnership chair as outline in the Educational Initiatives report. 

The board agreed to consider issue of classes over the next month. The board also agreed in principle to Summer/Winter mini-seminars as well as Game/Class for beginners



Alert Newsletter... 4 volunteers to help, no one to take over.  John volunteered to edit it for 1 year only.  Agreed that if a non-board member takes it over the club will 'pay' with 52 free plays over a year.



Stac didn't do so well... due to 4th of July perhaps.  2009 no problem but 2010 may be.  Patti to see about getting ACBL to reschedule.


Old Business


New Business

The board agreed to pay Kirkland our cleaning person a $60/month bonus.  All approved.


John Burpee volunteered to put together a proposal for the Board's consideration at next meet re Psych bids.


Board approved Patti to sign papers with new building owners... Adrienne, Potter & lawyer have advised wording is appropriate.


Board agrees to think about memorial for Mary Lou... her obituary requested Contributions to CBA rather than flowers


The meeting was adjourned about 6:45pm.


The next meeting will be August 12, 2008


Respectfully submitted,




Gayle Keaney/

Robert F. VeVerka

CBA Recording Secretary