October 11 meeting. (amended)

  • Attending this meeting were AJ Stephani, Mike Purcell, Mary Clifton, Potter Orr, Gayle Keaney, Barb Levinson, Pat Hoffman, Debbie Cummings, Chris Schwartz, and Cordell Coy.  Also at the meeting was Kim King.
  • September minutes approved.
  • Sectional update:  everything seems to be on track.  The Crowne Plaza is ready for us.  Stephanie is arranging for volunteers to meet at CBC at 5:00 to move items from the bridge center Thursday evening.
  • D&O insurance (directors and officers).  ACBL holds a policy for this and makes it available to us free of charge.  We also hold a similar policy as well as a separate general liability policy.  It seems to make sense to drop our D&O policy retaining our general liability policy.  AJ will investigate with ACBL and our insurance company.  If there are no lurking issues, AJ will cancel our D&O.
  • The finance committee, responding to a board request earlier in the year, presented their recommendations with regard to the actions CBA should take to balance the budget.  The finance committee consists of Gayle Keaney, Pat Hoffman, Mike Purcell, AJ Stephani, and Kim King.  With the intent to not kill our smaller games and still have everyone take on some of the increased costs of operating at the CBC, the finance committee recommends the following changes:
    • increase player fees from $6 to $7.  This only affects the Tuesday evening fee for CBA's game, however, we expect the other sanction holders to do likewise.
    • increase sanction holder rent from $11/table to $12/table for the first 5 tables and $18/table for all additional tables.
    • for the CBA Tuesday evening sanction, change the director compensation to a flat $90 for the evening.
    • the above changes to be effective 1/1/2012.
  • Gayle moved, seconded by Mike that we adopt the finance committee recommendations.  The finance committee provided an analysis of potential CBA benefit and sanction holder impact of the proposed changes.  After considerable discussion, the motion passed 8 for and 2 against.
  • AJ moved, seconded by Pat, that effective 1/1/2012 we eliminate the additional parking fee that we charge to Deschapelles.  This motion passed.
  • Meeting adjourned.
Cordell Coy