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 CBA Mentoring Program 2024

Register MentoringWhat is the CBA Mentoring Program?
The CBA mentoring program matches experienced players (mentors) with advancing players (mentees) to improve the mentee’s bridge skills by playing in duplicate games.  Although these are master-point games, the emphasis of the program is on improvement of the mentee’s bridge game.  It is hoped that mentor-mentee pairs play bridge together at least four times.  

The Mentor Programs run at one of two locations:  The Cincinnati Bridge Center and the Northern Kentucky Bridge Club. 

Specific information about the mentor-mentee program appears below in Frequently Asked Questions.

Apply Here ←←←Mentors and Mentees Click the Orange Button to register.
Cincinnati Bridge Center

2860 Cooper Road, Cincinnati OH 45241

The M/M program extends from after the Flying Pig Regional until a final wrap-up game on Saturday, September 14th. If you want to participate, please use the link above to complete the application. Cost is the going rate and the pair plays one stratification lower than the mentor.

Contact Information:

John Williams

Northern Kentucky Bridge Club

The Erlanger Lion's Club 5996 Belair Drive, Florence, KY.

The M/M program extends May through August. The dates are on the calendars given to its members. Cost is the going rate and you play in the mentee stratification.
Contact Information:
Greg Brinker

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may be a mentor?
Any player who is willing and able to help less experienced players.

Who may be a mentee?
Any player with less than 300 ACBL master points who has an interest in advancing her/his skill.

Can I be both a mentor and a mentee?
Yes, anyone who meets both criteria above.  Some newer players will be more receptive and/or less intimidated sitting down at the table with an experienced non-Life Master than with a player with many hundreds of master points.

Can I be a mentor to more than one mentee?

Can I choose my own mentor/mentee? (Applies only to Cincinnati Bridge Center)
Yes. We prefer that you not choose someone you play with on a regular basis or who you have been paired in the past, although this is not a requirement.  

How will mentors and mentors be paired for those who haven’t already reached an agreement? (Applies only to Cincinnati Bridge Center)
Partnerships will be made based on Masterpoint and experience levels.  The committee will look at the information provided on the applications and attempt to make the best pairings possible.  For example, the newest players who do not play modern conventions might be paired with non-Life Masters for the most part.  An experienced non-Life Master with 200 or more Masterpoints might be paired with a mentor with thousands of points since they are more able to take advantage of the mentor’s Bridge knowledge.

Must mentees be ACBL members?
Yes.  If not, s/he will be asked to send in dues to get his/her membership up to date before being allowed to participate in the program.  

What are the responsibilities of the mentee?
Contact your mentor to arrange dates for playing Bridge.  Do not wait until the last minute.  Inform your mentor what you would like to work on to improve your play.  Ask your mentor for input/suggestions.  Be willing to negotiate/compromise.

What are the responsibilities of the mentor?
Be kind and patient with your new partner.  Your mentee is less experienced and is looking to you for guidance. The “extent” of your mentoring is up to you.  Be willing to share what you know and direct your mentee to any other resources s/he might find helpful.  CBA has a great library available, and there's lots of information on the CBA website!