Linking to Large Calendar

Current Month

Link to the Current Month

Calendar.html will redirect to the current month using javascript. If the current month is not published then Calendar.html will redirect to the first month published
First Month

Link to the First Month

Link to the first published month of the calendar.
Popup Popup Calendar in a window
This code will pop up the calendar in a new window.

Embed the Large Calendar

Try It
Large Calendar Embeding Help
Embed on your website

Here's how to embed The Large Calendar on your website:

Embeding the calendar involves creating a window using the IFRAME tag. The IFRAME embed code below creates a window one of your web pages. Inside this window the calendar is loaded.

Embed Calendar in a window on your web page
This code will show the calendar inside an IFRAME on another page.
  1. Check the "I want to Embed the calendar" checkbox under Embed on the Format Screen first.
  2. Publish the Calendar to your website
  3. Copy and Paste the Code below into your web page

The Small Calendar

Small Calendar Embeding Help
Embed on your website

Here's how to embed The Small Calendar on your website:

Embeding the calendar involves creating a window using the IFRAME tag. The IFRAME embed code below creates a window one of your web pages. Inside this window the calendar is loaded.

Embed The Small Calendar in a window on your web page
This code will show the The SmallCalendar inside an IFRAME on another page.
  1. Adjust the width on the format screen, under The SmallCalendar, style sheet tab
  2. Publish the Calendar to your website
  3. Copy and Paste the Code below into your web page
  4. Adjust the height and width properties of the embed code

The Event List

Todays Events

Link to the Todays Events

Link to the event list. Events.html will redirect to upcoming events on the event list using javascript
Events this year

Link to the Events this year

Link to the event list for this year

Embed the Event List

Event List Embeding Help
Embed on your website

Here's how to embed The Event List on your website:

Embeding the calendar involves creating a window using the IFRAME tag. The IFRAME embed code below creates a window one of your web pages. Inside this window the calendar is loaded.

Embed Event List in a window on your web page
This code will show the event list inside an IFRAME on another page.
  1. Adjust the width on the format screen, under event list, style sheet tab
  2. Publish the Calendar to your website
  3. Copy and Paste the Code below into your web page
  4. Adjust the height and width properties of the embed code

The Year View

All calendars on one page

Link to the All calendars on one page

Link to the Year View. Year.html will show all monthly calendars on one page

The Event Scroller

Frame Embed The Event Scroller in a window on your web page
This code will show the The EventScroller inside an IFRAME on another page.
  1. At least 1 upcoming events must exist for the scroller to be created
  2. Publish the Calendar to your website
  3. Copy and Paste the Code below into your web page
  4. Adjust the height and width properties of the embed code