Deschapelle Meeting
December 17, 2018
Present:  Carol Macksey, Sue Hermans, Pat Newman, Linda Woodham, Diane Thaller, Doris Kehoe, Debbie Cummings, Judy Ruehl, Phyllis Bishop, Sandy Orr (Proxy).
Meeting called to order at 2:45 and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.  Motion made by Doris Kehoe and seconded by Diane Thaller.
Membership Report:  Sue Hermans reported that the Membership Committee has collected a total of $2155 in 2019 dues.  There is a total of 220 Deschapelle members with 145 of those paid.  Sue reported that she has contacted a number of the unpaid members who are responding with their dues.  She expects to call all unpaid members or send them a letter to find out if they wish to remain members of Deschapelle.  She reported that 9 members have died over the past year; 10 have dropped out; 3 have moved out of state.  There are 9 new members.  Debbie Cummings is a member; however, the Board agreed that her membership fee should be waived.  Those who have not paid their dues and choose not to pay them must pay an additional $5 to play every time they play.  No one may be a guest for more than four times regardless of the year(s) in which they have played.
Secretary Position:  Judy asked if any Board member would be interested in being Secretary.  No one volunteered.  Phyllis agreed to continue the role of Secretary if one of the Board members would take notes during any Spring meetings.  Carol Macksey agreed to fill that role.
IRS Report:  Sandy’s written report was that Deschapelle (specifically Liz Lin) has done everything necessary to complete the application for 501 (3)c status and “the ball is in the IRS court.”  We are waiting to see if they will approve our standing as 501 (3)c (non-tax status).  Sandy
 will report whenever she has any correspondence from them.
Hospitality Report:  Pat reported that Sandy keeps a bin with food stuffs (primarily snacks) for use when needed.  She said that members seem to be bringing additional items.  Sandy’s report for the Christmas party included $464 in expenses.  More people paid than signed up to bring food.  Only 6 appetizers and 6 salads were brought and Costco donated the cake.  Other desserts were supplied by the membership (about 6).  Cost of the Deschapelle calendars for the party was approximately $325.
Treasurer’s Report:  Debbie Cummings reported the following:
2017 Ending Balance $6292.25
2018 Estimated Year End Balance $4000.00
2017 Table Count 1023 Tables
2018 Table Count (Through 12/17) 960 Tables
Table Rees paid by Deschapelle:                   
            Table Fee to CBA                               $15 Per Table
            Table Fee to ACBL                            $  1 Per Table
The money in the checking account is to support the club during the lean months.
Responsibilities for Each Office and Committee:  Judy reported that all responsibilities are on the website under the Deschapelle tab
Procedure for Undesirable Behavior:  The procedure for rude and/or undesirable behavior is actually addressed by the ACBL.  The first offense must be written up; then the party(ies) are warned and a zero tolerance penalty is assessed.  This is a matchpoint penalty.  Egregious behavior may result in a suspension of the member.  Cell phones ringing seems to be a real problem; however, many need their phones in case of an emergency.  Each week the director or Deschapelle President will make an announcement that all cell phones should be turned off.  If one person’s phone rings two or more times a penalty will be assessed.  Additionally, the membership will be informed that slow play is punishing the other members and cannot be tolerated.  Continued slow play will result in a reduction of the total boards to be played by all players.
Better Communication Between and Among Board Members and General Membership:  All communication among Board members will be by email.  Minutes are to be posted on the website.  Debbie reported that Pianola could be used to send mass emails to membership, if the Board were inclined to do so.  Neither Steve Moese nor Potter Orr’s databases can be used for mass mailings to our membership as ACBL ruled two years ago that they could not be used for such purposes.  Special dates and games are listed on the CBA calendar on the CBA website.
New Business:  Director Raise.  Since the director has not received a raise since she began, the Board considered several possible scenarios for payment including raising the base pay and/or table fees; however, at Debbie’s suggestion, the Board agreed to an increase of a dollar per table in compensation.   Discussion of raising Tonya’s pay was also completed.  Carol Macksey made a motion to raise Debbie Cummings pay by a dollar per table and Tonya’s by $15 per week.  Motion was seconded by Doris Kehoe.  Motion passed unanimously.
1099s are required by the end of January for both Debbie and Tonya.  Debbie will check into the forms to be used to make the filing with the IRS.  She will work with Judy for the completion of all 1099s,
Judy Ruehl made the motion that all future meetings of the Board be held after bridge.  The motion was seconded by Linda Woodham.  The motion passed unanimously.
Next Meeting:  The next meeting will be held in March with the Treasurer’s end of the year report and Membership Chair’s report on 2019 dues payments.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Bishop